Products and Services
We offer the following digital Products and Services:
Our Managed Services Provider (MSP) Solution offering is our flagship product. It provides our clients with an affordable Service Level Agreement to build and maintain a digital enabling business environment.
Cloud Solutions
Have you ever wondered about “The Cloud”?
What is ”The Cloud”?
How does it work?
Who has access to my information?
Will it work for me?
Web Filtering
The filtering of internet traffic is an important element in managing productivity and security in your digital environment.
Network Infrastructure
Connectivity has in modern times become a critical “must have” in your business, school or even at home.
Digital Security
Approaching digital security needs to be done holistically, from data to physical security of your digital assets.
IT Support
IT support for home users, small businesses or schools to get computers or laptops working again.
Anti-virus Solution
Protecting your computers has evolved over the years from installing an Anti-virus program blocking all viruses, to managing and monitoring your digital environment through a digital security strategy and solution.
Microsoft 365 Solution
Productivity software is an integral part of any business, home and school environment. We sell, distribute, implement and maintain Microsoft 365.
Back-up and Disaster Recovery Plan
Digital and physical threats, as well as natural disasters, are factors to consider. From cloud back-up to remote office locations, we can point you in the right direction for your environment.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
CCTV is not only a tool for security purposes, it is also a management and control tool if implemented correctly.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
The 21st century is the era where businesses, homes and students are more and more exposed to the digital world. The way you connect with the world, promote your products and collaborate with others has changed rapidly. Positioning yourself to take advantage of what the digital world offers has become more critical than ever.